Meet Katie…








    When my sons were young and I was desperately seeking some quiet and alone time in my life, I discovered the joy of rising in the quiet hours before dawn to meditate and journal.

    What I discovered years ago is that writing is my passion, my champion, my coach, and my constant companion. Writing is how I make sense of my life and the world around me and I am never left without some new gem of understanding after a writing session.

    Over the years, I have authored 4 blogs, written thousands of morning journals, and written a 55-chapter memoir that will be self-published (once my editor has worked her magic on my manuscript and it is ready to go).

    As my extraordinary afternoon gently unfolds before me, I intend to capture it with my fingers and share it, hoping that some small pearl of shared experience will help another woman make sense of her extraordinary afternoon.


    I am an executive, leadership, and team coach and have been practicing my craft since 2008.

    When COVID-19 came along in March of 2020 and decimated my leadership coaching business (in the course of a few short days), I began a voyage of discovery into what I wanted to be when I grew up.

    As it turns out, that journey led me back to my roots of life coaching.

    As a woman just at the very beginning of her afternoon, I realized that I wanted to coach women who, just like me, were looking ahead at the next 40 or 50 years of their lives and wondering how to breathe life into a vibrant afternoon of passion, purpose, and meaning.

    I am excited to claim my brand new mantle of ‘The Afternoon Coach’ and to have the privilege of walking beside powerful Wise Women who are seeking to discover and breathe life into their own extraordinary afternoons.


    Growing up, I knew two things for certain. The first was that I wanted to be a mom. The second was that I wanted to be a teacher.

    I started as a ski instructor at the age of 14 and have been teaching ever since.

    The past 40 years have seen everything from teaching the front crawl to young children at summer camp to teaching coaching skills to C-suite executives in the corporate board room.

    I am fortunate that my countless hours of teaching over the past four decades have facilitated as much comfort and delight in teaching an audience of 1,000 as delivering an online session of 12 (thanks to the recent online learning boom).

    Teaching is as much a part of my fabric as is mothering and I look forward to the countless hours of online and in-person teaching that I will have the absolute privilege of delivering as ‘The Afternoon Coach’.


    ‘Mother’ is always the first mantle that comes to mind when I think about describing myself.

    Even as a little girl, the one thing I knew for certain was that I wanted to be a full-on, all-in, and hands-on mom who adored her children and loved being a mother.

    I am delighted to report that I well and truly realized that dream. I am the mother of three beautiful adult sons who have all flown my protective nest and are living together 3,163km away from me.

    My mothering journey has truly been the most delightful, demanding, rewarding, exacting, and joyful life experience to date and I would not trade a single moment.

    Everything I do in my life is inspired and informed by my deep and visceral love for my sons and I move through my life doing my very best to tenderly see every single human being on this planet through my great big mother’s heart.


    When I hired my first coach in 2007, I did not realize that I had also signed on to work with an energy healer who would change my life beyond recognition by the time our work together was complete.

    That experience took me into a new realm of life I did not even know existed.

    In the years since discovering the miraculous and enchanting world of energy and the magic of quantum physics, I have worked with healers, empaths, coaches, and teachers who have helped me to ‘peek beneath the hood’ of reality and to develop my mastery at living life from the fascinating and powerful stance that everything is energy, thoughts become things, and that I am the creator of my reality.

    I follow the work of Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Esther Hicks, Lee Carroll, and Dr. Sue Morter, to name a few, and will be sharing the deeply esoteric part of my nature in every aspect of my work.


Thinking of kick-starting your afternoon? See who I’ve helped achieve their goals in self-improvement, teamwork and more.

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