I begin every morning by exploring life through my hands…

Writing is my constant companion, best friend, coach, solace, and guide.

I hope you will join me as I explore my extraordinary afternoon through my hands.

lessons learned on the sailboat
Katie Cook Katie Cook

lessons learned on the sailboat


I have three generations of beloved Michaels in my family. My son Michael was named after my younger brother, who was named after my mom’s older brother, a wonderful man affectionately known as ‘Uncle Mike’.

Uncle Mike was one of those larger-than-life characters who was more than a little intimidating with his booming voice and his commanding personality. As I made my way through my teen years, however, I saw beneath the bluster and came to know, respect, and deeply love the charming and gentle man who was a beloved and steadfast fixture in my life (and who took a little piece of my heart with him when he died suddenly five months ago).

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When Sleeping Women Wake…
Katie Cook Katie Cook

When Sleeping Women Wake…

…I love awakening every day to the song that the Universe decides to send.

And that’s the catch…’whatever the Universe decides to send’.

I don’t think my songs are random.

I believe they come from the Universe, from my Inner Wise Woman, from The Field…and I know they come with messages (which sometimes I can decipher and sometimes I cannot).

And this morning’s song came as an answer to a question that I have been quietly pondering for weeks…

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The Painted Ponies

The Painted Ponies

It is 7:01 am on Tuesday, July 26th. My morning song is ‘Perfect Girl’ by Sarah MacLachlan.

What a beautiful message from the Universe this morning with Sarah MacLachlan’s lovely song as the vehicle…

Don't worry
You will find the answer if you let it go
Give yourself some time to falter
But don't forgo this knowing that you're loved no matter what
And everything will come around in time’.

I needed that this morning.

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The Things that take you by surprise
Katie Cook Katie Cook

The Things that take you by surprise

It is 4:14 am on Wednesday, July 13th. My morning song is ‘When We Were Young’ by Adele (what an achingly poignant song that the Universe decided to plant in my head this morning).

Today is launch day.

Today my brand-new business goes ‘live’.

Today is the day when I take all my secret hopes and dreams and launch them into the world and say, ‘hey, here’s my baby, do you love it as much as I do?

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