Your Hero’s journey…

Your journey into the afternoon of life is a powerful transformation that will open up a whole new world for you.

My approach is to support you wherever you are in your Hero’s Journey and help provide you with whatever you need; a shoulder, an ear, a hand on your back, a new tool.

I am here to walk beside you as you discover and claim that Wise Woman who has been living inside of you all your life. She is becoming more insistent by the day and will no longer take a back seat to living life on anyone’s terms but yours. 

My work is to cheer, champion, and guide you as you claim your wisdom and take your place in the powerful community of Wise Women who are claiming their own brand of extraordinary.

A woman whose time has come…nothing is more powerful!

6-Month Transformation coaching

This is for you if…

  • You are uncertain about what your ‘extraordinary afternoon’ could look like

  • You wish you knew where the path was (let alone how to take that first step)

  • You are looking for the support to explore your afternoon in a safe, loving, and co-creative partnership

  • You have butterflies in your belly and are not sure if they are fear or excitement (or maybe a bit of both)

  • You absolutely know that the time for transformation is now!

    • Together we will honour the morning of ambition that you lived so well

    • I will support and bear witness as you close the arc of your morning with reverence and respect for all that you lived

    • You will identify what it is you are wanting to bring along from your morning into your afternoon and leave behind what no longer serves you

    • I will support you as you find your own path and explore what passion, purpose, and meaning look like for you

    • We will co-create a strong foundation with ‘The Five Pillars of an Extraordinary Afternoon’ to support you

    • You will transform from wondering if your best days are behind you to absolutely knowing that you are at your most potent and most powerful

    • I will bear witness as you step into and claim the Wise Woman who lives inside you

    • I will cheer, champion, and bear witness as you consciously and intentionally launch the arc of your extraordinary afternoon

    • Two 45-minute 1:1 virtual coaching sessions per month for six months (phone or Zoom depending on your preference)

    • Between-session ‘laser coaching’ support (via text or phone)

    • $497 + HST monthly


    • $2,700 + HST pay-in-full discount (for the 6-month engagement)


wise womEn Monthly Coaching

This is for you if…

  • You have launched the arc of your ‘extraordinary afternoon’

  • You are on your path but are experiencing a few blocks that would benefit from some co-creative attention

  • You have built a solid foundation with ‘The Five Pillars of an Extraordinary Afternoon’ (Freedom, Fulfillment, Health, Impact, and Wealth) but are looking for support to take one or two pillars to the next level

  • You are looking for a fellow Wise Woman to walk beside you to cheer and champion as you move toward an even more fulfilling afternoon

  • You absolutely know that the world needs your extraordinary brand of wonderful and you want clarity on exactly what that looks like for you!

    • Together we will honour the beautiful arc of afternoon that you launched with conscious intention

    • I will cheer and champion as you identify what is working well

    • Together we will identify the blocks that are in your way and co-creatively explore how to use those blocks as stepping stones

    • We will deepen your understanding of and your commitment to passion, purpose, and meaning in your life

    • We will explore ‘The Five Pillars of an Extraordinary Afternoon’ and co-create the steps you might take to get your challenging pillars to the next level

    • You will put your stake in the ground for the World Work that has been dreaming itself up all these years

    • I will cheer, champion, and bear witness as you continue to explore and reveal your own extraordinary brand of wonderful!

    • Two 45-minute 1:1 virtual coaching sessions (phone or Zoom depending on your preference)

    • Between-session ‘laser coaching’ support (via text or phone)

    • $597 + HST for one month of coaching


afternoon tea with katie

Time to put the kettle on if…

  • You are living your ‘extraordinary afternoon’ with passion, purpose, and meaning

  • You would like to spend time with a fellow Wise Woman to acknowledge the potency and the power of the life you are living

  • You would like to discuss the fact that, lately, you have felt an unmistakable nudge to deepen the impact of your afternoon

  • You would like to explore your next ‘edge’ in a safe and supportive co-creative conversation

  • You would like to come away with clarity on the next steps that would enable you to cross that edge

  • You are looking for a fellow Wise Woman to walk beside you to cheer and champion as you move toward an even more fulfilling afternoon

    • Together we will honour where you are in your extraordinary afternoon

    • We will celebrate your commitment to passion, purpose, and meaning in your life

    • We will tune into the call to deepen the impact of your afternoon and explore your next ‘edge’ in a safe and supportive co-creative conversation

    • We will explore the steps that would enable you to cross that new edge and co-create a plan to get you to the other side

    • I will cheer, champion, and bear witness as you continue to explore and reveal your own extraordinary brand of wonderful!

    • One virtual 60-minute coaching session (phone or Zoom depending on your preference)

    • $347 + HST for one session