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Wise Women Retreat

Wise Women Retreat: Celebrating Your Hero’s Journey Into the Afternoon Of Life

Midlife. Our mother’s generation politely refers to it as ‘the change of life’. Traditional Chinese Medicine calls it ‘The Second Spring’. Carl Jung, in one of his infamous quotes, refers to this human rite of passage as stepping into ‘the afternoon of life’ and points out that we are ‘thoroughly unprepared’ for the inevitable shift from the morning of life into the afternoon.

No matter the handle, it all points to the same thing: the stage of life where the yearning for a deeper sense of passion, purpose, and meaning replaces building career, family, and wealth.

For women in our 40s and 50s, this is also the time that we are confronted with perimenopause and menopause, so it is not just a time of significant mental upheaval but also of physical, emotional, and spiritual turmoil that can leave us feeling overwhelmed, alone, and scared. Between aging parents, demanding families, stressful professional lives, and a physical body that is changing by the day, a woman’s journey into the afternoon of life can feel like the proverbial Hero’s Journey fraught with all the highs and lows of such an odyssey.

We are familiar with the archetypal Hero’s Journey from traditional literature to Hollywood's on-screen portrayal. We are also well aware that for the Hero’s Journey to be successful, the humble hero requires wise counsellors, teachers, the right tools, and trusty travelling companions.

This retreat weekend is an opportunity to explore your own Hero’s Journey, learn some new tools, and spend time in the company of other Wise Women (those all-important travelling companions) in a circle of potent female eldership.

Together, we will acknowledge and celebrate your life journey and the stunning metamorphosis of stepping into and claiming your extraordinary afternoon.


This retreat experience is for you if…

  • You have had a catalyst (that unmistakable ‘call to adventure’) land in your life

  • You are feeling distinctly unfulfilled by a life that once satisfied you

  • You are yearning to put yourself, and your needs, before everyone else’s (maybe for the very first time in your life)

  • You are wondering what the remaining decades of your life could possibly look like (and maybe even worrying that your best days are behind you)

  • You are hungering for the community of other women to start exploring your wisdom years


You will come away with…

  • A new perspective on your own Hero’s Journey

  • An awakening ability to tune to the voice of your inner Wise Woman

  • A sense of calm and purpose after a weekend spent in the company of other Wise Women in a stunningly beautiful setting


If you are interested in joining our Wise Women Retreat, please email Sara at to reserve your accommodation (only 8 spaces available).

October 2

Wise Women Wednesdays- Free Virtual Community Event