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Self-Care Saturday: Harness Your Self-Care Archetype!

Does this describe you?

  • You lived the morning of your life with drive, determination, and dedication

  • You lived it always on someone else’s terms

  • You cared for everyone else’s needs before your own

  • And now…

    • Self-care feels like yet another ‘should’ on your to-do list

    • You know that the time has come to put yourself first (but don’t know where to start)

    • You would like to harness your self-care archetype to transform your current self-care reality!

    If you recognize yourself in any of those descriptions then this unique co-creative Zoom session is for you!

    • You will learn the 4 self-care archetypes and identify your own archetype

    • You will understand the challenges and strengths of your own archetype

    • You will learn quick and easy strategies to harness your archetype

    • A structure for self-care that honours your own style and strengths

    • A feeling of optimism when it comes to putting yourself first

    • A renewed sense that you CAN breathe life into your extraordinary afternoon…finally on your own terms!

    • 4 hours in an intimate Zoom session to consciously and intentionally explore self-care

    • A 60-minute virtual session after the online workshop (with 30 minutes of coaching for you and 30 minutes of pilot feedback for me)

  • $197 + HST (pilot pricing)

December 7

Wise Women Wednesdays- Free Virtual Community Event

June 10

Workshop Pilot #2: Closing the Arc of Morning