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Workshop Pilot #3: Launching the Arc of Afternoon

Does this describe you?

  • You have closed the arc of the morning of your life

  • You are not yet sure what is ahead of you as you transition from the morning to the afternoon of your life

  • You are looking for a group of fellow Wise Women to walk beside you to cheer and champion as you move toward your extraordinary afternoon

  • You absolutely know that the world needs your extraordinary brand of wonderful and you want clarity on exactly what that looks like for you

  • You would like to be witnessed and acknowledged as you consciously and intentionally launch the arc of your afternoon

    If you recognize yourself in any of those descriptions then this unique co-creative Zoom session is for you!

    • This is a unique and co-creative virtual experience for 12 dynamic women

    • Together we will honour and acknowledge the close of the arc of morning

    • We will honour and bear witness to the challenging transition between the morning of your life and the afternoon of your life

    • We will begin to explore what you are dreaming up for your own extraordinary afternoon

    • You will connect with what passion, purpose, and meaning look like for you

    • You will have an opportunity to give voice to your secret hopes and dreams that you have been nurturing by yourself for so long

    • Together we will look at The Five Pillars of an Extraordinary Afternoon (Freedom, Fulfillment, Health, Impact, and Wealth)

    • We will support and bear witness as you launch the arc of your afternoon

    • We will take a sneak peek at the next pilot workshop (‘The Five Pillars of an Extraordinary Afternoon- Pillar #1: Freedom’’)

    • A sense of reverent recognition for the launch of the arc of the afternoon of your life

    • Knowing that you have been witnessed by other women just like you

    • The comforting feeling that you are not alone in your yearning for an extraordinary afternoon

    • A sense of what is possible for you as you step into and claim your own extraordinary afternoon

    • 4 hours with me in an intimate Zoom session to launch the arc of your afternoon consciously and intentionally

    • A 60-minute virtual session after the online workshop (with 30 minutes of coaching for you and 30 minutes of pilot feedback for me)

  • $197 + HST (pilot pricing)

June 10

Workshop Pilot #2: Closing the Arc of Morning

June 24

Workshop Pilot #4: The Five Pillars of an extraordinary afternoon- Pillar #1: freedom