Welcome Wise Woman


the hero’s journey to wisdom...

Midlife. Our mother’s generation politely referred to it as ‘the change of life’. Traditional Chinese Medicine calls it ‘The Second Spring’. Carl Jung referred to this human rite of passage as stepping into ‘the afternoon of life’ and proposed that we are ‘thoroughly unprepared’ for this epic shift.

No matter the handle, it all points to the same thing: that unmistakable and potent yearning for a deeper sense of passion, purpose, and meaning in our lives that suddenly seems to arrive out of nowhere.

For women in our 40s and 50s, this is also the time that we are confronted with perimenopause and menopause, so it is not just a time of significant mental upheaval but also of physical, emotional, and spiritual turmoil that can leave us feeling overwhelmed, alone, and scared.

Between aging parents, demanding families, stressful professional lives, and a physical body that is changing by the day, a woman’s journey into the afternoon of life can feel like the proverbial Hero’s Journey fraught with all the highs and lows of such an odyssey. 

And what awaits you at the end of your Hero’s Journey? Your inner Wise Woman. That hard-won version of yourself who knows her worth, who makes no apologies for putting her needs first, and who glows with the radical embodiment of her passion, her purpose, and the profound meaning in every aspect of her extraordinary life.

From traditional literature to Hollywood’s onscreen portrayal, we are familiar with the Archetypal Hero’s Journey. We are also well aware that for the Hero’s Journey to be successful, the humble hero requires wise counsellors, teachers, the right tools, and trusty travelling companions.

No matter where you are on your Hero’s Journey, Katie has the tools, the wisdom, and the encouragement you will need along the way.

Let’s chat, Wise Woman.


together we are stronger.

There are no accidents in this beautiful and benevolent Universe in which we live.

You have stumbled upon my website for a reason.

There is something here for you.

You are yearning for an afternoon of passion, purpose, and meaning...finally on your own terms!

Maybe it is to launch a new business, travel more, make more money, finally write that book, or contribute your unique gifts to the world. If you know that the time is now but are not sure where to start…you have come to the right place.

Please explore all I have to offer and let me know how I can support a fellow Wise Woman to claim her extraordinary afternoon of Freedom, Fulfillment, Health, Impact, and Wealth.

You are not alone.

We are in this together! 💗


What works for you?

  • One-on-one coaching

    Let’s work together towards awakening that Wise Woman who lives within you.
    Weekly and Monthly sessions are available!

  • Workshops and Retreats

    Learn new skills alongside other empowered women (in-person and virtual).
    Step into and claim your extraordinary afternoon!

  • Community

    Enjoy the impact of a vibrant community of like-minded women for Wise Women Wednesdays.
    Together, we are stronger!

Wise women wedNesdays

Wise Women Wednesdays is a free Zoom event that will take place on the first Wednesday of every month from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (EST).

It is my dream to build a large community of like-minded Wise Women to support and champion each other in what I believe is the most potent and powerful phase of our lives.

My site offers many options for supporting my fellow Wise Women. These free Zoom events are my way of giving back to my community and ensuring that no woman will ever miss out on gathering with her sisters.

Every Wise Women Wednesday will consist of a group check-in, a unique topic for discussion, and an open Q&A. I intend to lead our time together, but I do not intend to be the focal point. This is about coming together in a conscious and intentional community where all voices have an opportunity to be heard.

I look forward to seeing you in the Zoom room and connecting with a fellow Wise Woman! 💗